Sleeping Beauty WAKES UP! (A Romantic Comedy/Suspense)

Sleeping Beauty WAKES UP! (A Romantic Comedy/Suspense) - Elle Lothlorien I'm actually tempted to give this one star without reading it for the slight chance that the author will read it and address me.Due to this: Utter BullshitYou can read a real author's opinion on this travesty here: Utter EnlightenmentThe single review on this book actually illustrates the fact that Elle Lothlorien uses paying readers as beta readers. And I find it nothing short of karmic that this book is on 3 "tbr" shelves and then "authors behaving badly", "will never read", "will never read because of author", "foot in mouth disease", etc. This author, if you can call her that (I prefer to think of her as a semi-delusional scam artist), has found her way onto more shit lists than any other list.