Dark Hearts (Secrets and Lies)

Dark Hearts (Secrets and Lies) - Sharon Sala For three books Sharon Sala tried real hard to keep missirecting the reader when it came to the killer, but it seemed fairly obvious to me. Maybe because I'm so familiar with her style, I'm tuned in to the clues. But even though I was sure of the who and the why of the murders, the rest of the story was still entertaining.

I liked how Sam and Lainey got their shit together pretty quickly without a lot of unnecessary melodrama. There was enough of that in the rest of the story, no need to gi overboard with the romance. It was heartwrenching and heartwarming at the same time without being uber cheesy.

Wrapping up the trilogy was done well, but I'd have enjoyed seeing the town's reaction to the conclusion of the whole thing. Instead it's more of a family wrap up, which was lovely. I still would have enjoyed a bit of the town's reaction, too.

Sharon Sala hits more than she misses with me and this entire trilogy definitely constitutes as a hit. But I hope her next book can surprise me - as enjoyable as I find these stories, I feel like they were sometimes too predictable.